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2B Mindset, the program that is redefining sustained weight loss.


2B Mindset Weight Loss Program is a breakthrough weight loss program that will have you feeling full and satisfied not hungry and deprived. No more counting calories, points, measuring food or cutting food groups out of your life!

You get to eat foods that you love and live your life, NOTHING is restricted or off limits. This program is about making a change in your mindset surrounding food and weight management.  You will create a better relationship with food and your body. 

You will lose weight happily and learn to keep it off for good.

2B Mindset will be offered through in our exclusive 2BM Riot Nutrition community,  where we will be with you everyday to master this very easy to learn program.  It's Simple. Sensible. Sensible weight loss.

THIS PROGRAM IS NOW AVAILABLE!  The results are already pouring in!

Join our team now and get started today! Instantly!  


Ryan was in the 2BM Coach Test Group

This was the results of his first 4 weeks!  Since then he's continued to lose fat, and the 100 other coaches all saw amazing success in the test group.  Across the board everyone is feeling relief from worry, and confidence that they are

in control of their weight. 

Does this sound like you?!

→ Wants to lose weight, but hate to exercise.
→ Are on the emotional eating struggle bus and wants to break free.
→ Works out hard but struggles with nutrition so you never really see the results you crave.
→ Loves food and loves to eat.
→ Are sick and tired of trying ALL the diets and not following through.
→ Don’t do well cutting out food groups, restricting foods and actually want to eat cake on your birthday.
→ Hates to count calories, macros, containers, etc.
→ Cannot exercise due to injury/illness but still wants to lose weight.
→ Are overwhelmed with knowing what to eat or what diet to follow.

We can relate to so many of these.

Ryan always does very well following strict meal plans along with fitness programs, but after, the balance isn't there for him to maintain the weight, although he's stayed in good shape.  Tamara struggles with yo-yo-ing and binge eating after following restrictive meal plans. Her frame of mind isn't the best when she's on restrictive eating plans. 

There is no perfect diet... that's why this program is so successful!  It's not a diet!  It is tools to help you learn HOW to eat for LIFE.  It goes against popular but un-proven fad diets, cutting out entire food groups, over eating in one food group, and gives you back the tools to eat like normal human beings have for centuries!


Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and a snack.  It worked before obesity rates skyrocketed... and it still works!  With this program in your corner, you'll never doubt your ability to lose, or maintain healthy weight again!

Now this is not your typical nutrition plan. There are no diets. No restrictions. No calorie counting. We’re going to teach you how to eat FOR LIFE and not just a diet.

This program is developed and led by a leading L.A. dietitian Ilana Muhlstein.

Her experience overcoming a childhood of weight and health issues led her to create this program. Her concepts are simple and easy to understand, and they make sense!  It's no wonder the results are so easy!



for those who struggle with:

  • Yo-Yo dieting

  • Emotional eating

  • Sugar addiction

  • Scale obsession

  • Mindless snacking

  • Portion control

  • Motivation to workout



  • Awkward weigh ins

  • Counting calories

  • Depletion

  • Deprivation

  • Cutting out food groups

See what this program is all about here

2B Mindset resuls, ryan berry, riot fitness, weightloss
2B Mindset resuls, ryan berry, riot fitness, weightloss
2B Mindset resuls, ryan berry, riot fitness, weightloss
2B Mindset resuls, ryan berry, riot fitness, weightloss
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